Four years ago I was a freshmen in college taking general chemistry. Through frequent study sessions at the LDS Institute of Religion on campus before tests I became acquainted with a girl who was also in my same predicament. She was quickly to become one of my really good friends. Later that year I faced a huge struggle in my life and she was there for me every step of the way, she would listen when I just needed someone to listen, give advice when I needed advice, a shoulder to cry on when I just needed to let it out. Sadly I provided the same for her around that very same time when she found out her father had a brain tumor. We both grew stronger from supporting each other in these trials and have been close friends since. She transferred to another college but we still keep in touch even though lately it hasn't been a lot since she wanted to spend as much time with her father as possible.
Today he passed away.
It wasn't shocking news when I found out, it was bound to happen and he'd already done the impossible by pulling through so many years. Yet I still broke down. I can't even imagine what it would be like, oldest of four, 22, having to be strong for your siblings. Or even her mom, losing her best friend and having all these stresses fall upon you, funeral planning, how to support your family, etc.
I may be weird, but I tend to put myself in others shoes and try to understand their feelings. And in doing that, one of my thoughts was, I wonder if they ever even imagined going through this when they first met and got married. No one every knows what trials and challenges we will face in the future so when I think what those might be for me, I can't, can't imagine at all.
Life is rough. Life is not easy.
Thinking of all this family now has to deal with, I feel all my complaints and stresses right now are nothing in comparison. I hope to never have to go through such an ordeal. Yet the gospel brings knowledge that comforts me in thoughts like this and I know is comforting my friend and her family. Her dad is not gone forever, but only for a short time until in the next life they will all be reunited, and oh what a joyful meeting it will be, I know! And the knowledge that Christ is there to help me through whatever is in store for the future, I know I can make it through anything.
While that was depressing I just needed to get it out. Now I will appreciate the little joys in life even more, for those are what make enduring through the challenges worth it.
One of the things that pulled me through is the story of Jesus and Lazarus. Christ didn't just raise him from the dead. First, he mourned with the family. I'm glad you made such a good friend. I'm glad that you have such a strong testimony and such sympathy. Love you!